Friday, June 7, 2019

Day 6, on the Alaska Highway!

We are camped out by a river tonight, lovely view!

We must be going the right way as this directional sign in Grande Prairie, Alberta indicates!  Always makes us smile when we see our first directional sign to Alaska!

Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway, in Dawson Creek, where it all began. We stopped in at the Highway Museum where they had a great film on the building of the highway.  Really, that they built the road in 8 months is a testament to the young men of that time.   Seriously, my parents were truly "The Greatest Generation".  Their courage and perseverance is so inspirational.

We had lunch in Dawson Creek and I thought it odd that the rice was not quite ready so we waited.  Hmmm my phone told me it was lunchtime.  Oh well, found out a bit later that we were right on the edge of the time zone change and my phone had not switched over to mountain time so it was really only 11 am.  Oh well..... 
The other thing that was kinda funny...we recently cleaned out my Parent's home and found $42 CDN which I brought along on the trip.  When I paid our lunch bill with that cash, the cashier exclaimed, wow that is really old money.  The cash was some my parents had on their last trip to Alaska in 1997 so it was at least 22 years old.

Gotta have the obligatory photos with the sign.  No one around to snap a photo of both of us so these will have to do.

Driving the Alaska Highway is not without its little problems and rocks are a big problem.  Just 11 miles down the Highway, we got stoned and WOW, what a chip.  I think a new windshield will be required.  We are going to stop in Fort Nelson tomorrow and hopefully have this  filled just to prevent it from getting worse until we can get it taken care of.

We've been pushing pretty hard doing 500+ miles a day so decided to call it quits early today.  It hasn't been a  great driving day anyway as it has rained off and on all day.  Dick takes me to the nicest places, check out the outhouse below, LOL!  Well, it does have a great view of the river you have to admit.  Reminds me of the ladies room on board the Navigator of the Seas with the loo with a view!

OK, I did not use this outhouse. I really think it's obsolete and there for the fun of it.  But Dick said there was toilet paper in it so I don't know.....  What I love most about RVing is having my own on board bathroom!!

We've driven 2,847 miles so far, another 1300 to go to Fairbanks, Alaska!


  1. Love that you are sharing your adventure with us! Safe travels and I sure look forward to reading more of your journal.

  2. We just bought a motor home so I’m really enjoying your traveling adventures! It’s in Mesa Arizona so our first trip will be bringing it home!

  3. Bummer about the rock chip, those are some long driving days you’re doing!
